
frequently asked questions

Q: Are Simpli Dental’s prices for dental treatment in Saskatoon and Regina actually low?

A: Typically, prices for dental services are set based on the College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan’s Fee Guide. Simpli Dental’s fees range from 10-50% less than those in the fee guide.

Q: With lower prices, does that mean lower quality?

A: No, our materials and techniques are the same as those traditionally used by our dentists in other clinics that do not follow the low-cost model.

Q: Do you offer financing?

A: Yes, we work with iFinance a third-party financing provider to make sure you are able to afford the dental treatment you need. To apply click here.

Q: How do I book a dental appointment in Saskatoon or Regina?

A: You can book an initial appointment online or by emailing our office. You can then book follow-up appointments at our clinic or online. It won’t be as quick as booking online, but you can also phone our office and leave us a voicemail or text us and we will get back to you.

Q: Why doesn’t Simpli Dental answer my phone calls?

A: We’re a pain in the mouth, we get it, but it all helps our patients save money. We rely on software and don’t have a receptionist tending the phones at all times to help deliver the lowest price possible. If you leave us a voicemail, send a text to our office number, or email to reception@simpli.dental, we will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.

Q: Why does a dental office smell?

A: Because we’re clean! Disinfectants used in dental clinics have improved over time and many of the “dentist smelling” ingredients have been removed to help eliminate that well known scent!

Q: Will I ever enjoy going to the dentist?

A: Probably not, but we’ll try to make your visit pleasant, pain free, and affordable.