Wisdom Teeth - Should I Get Them Removed?

Wisdom Teeth – Should I Get Them Removed?

Wisdom teeth are so named because they typically start erupting in your late teens and early 20s, but can sometimes come in earlier. They are also known as your third molars and are the last set of adult teeth to come in.

Wisdom teeth are typically only removed if they start causing issues or are hard to brush because they are growing in impacted – meaning they are not erupting straight through, but rather at an angle, usually due to lack of space in the jaw. This can also make them hard to brush and can cause tooth decay and possibly infection if not removed.

How Do I Know if my Wisdom Teeth Are Impacted?

Your dentist can take a radiograph (commonly known as an x-ray) to determine how your wisdom teeth are erupting. You may also see for yourself if you look in the back of your mouth and notice a bit of tooth poking out if they are partially impacted. A fully impacted wisdom tooth will not be seen in the mouth as it is hidden under the gum line.

X-ray of impacted teeth

Symptoms of an Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Impacted wisdom teeth can be asymptomatic or can cause a variety of issues. It’s important to discuss any concerns you have with your dentist at your next check up if you still have your wisdom teeth and are experiencing these symptoms.

​​ According to the American Dental Association, wisdom teeth removal may be necessary if you experience conditions in the area of those teeth, such as:

  • Pain
  • Repeated infection of soft tissue behind the lower last tooth
  • Fluid-filled sacs (cysts)
  • Tumors
  • Damage to nearby teeth
  • Gum disease
  • Extensive tooth decay [1]

If wisdom teeth don’t have enough room to come in, they may crowd or damage nearby teeth. For this reason, some dentists recommend getting them taken out before getting braces.

How Do I Know if my Wisdom Teeth Are Impacted?

Does Wisdom Teeth Extraction Hurt?

Local anaesthetic is applied to the area of the tooth to prevent any pain during the procedure. Depending on your Dentist or Oral Surgeon, you can also receive mild sedation or anaesthesia. Following that, pain can usually be managed with basic painkillers such as Ibuprofen. The entire procedure usually takes 45 minutes or less, sometimes more, depending on how impacted your teeth are.

If you still have your wisdom teeth and are experiencing symptoms, check in with a Simpli Dental Dentist today at our Regina, Saskatoon, or Calgary locations! We will be happy to check them out for you and discuss any concerns or questions you may have.


[1] Mayo Clinic – Wisdom teeth removal: When is it necessary?.