we live the communities where we work, and want to do our best to support those organizations around us. simpli dental has proudly supported the following charitable organizations in our communities.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Parents never expect to need a Ronal McDonald House, but they are there when families need them the most – during a serious illness or injury of a child. RMHC Alberta alleviates families' tremendous emotional, financial, and physical burdens during these difficult times.
RMHC Alberta supported Simpli Dental’s founder, Dr. Mitchell and his family during the treatment of their eldest son at the Stollery Children’s Hospital/Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute. In turn, we happily support them!
Give Kids a Chance
This charity creates opportunities to bridge the gap between impoverished children and their peers. They believe that every kid deserves a chance. Give Kids a Chance Charity Inc. includes KidSport, Dream Brokers and the Northern Community & School Recreation Coordinator Program.
CC RezQs
The mission of CC RezQs is to partner with reservations and rural communities to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome stray dogs from these areas in Saskatchewan while establishing and enhancing strong and sustainable community partnerships.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Regina & Area
Since 1971, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Regina & Area has been making a positive difference in the lives of Regina’s youth by developing and implementing a broad range of mentoring programs both in school and outside of school. Serving as role models, mentors teach by example the importance of giving and giving back, of staying in school and of having respect for family, peers, and community. Each time a child is paired with a mentor, something incredible has been started. A life-changing relationship built on friendship, trust, and empowerment.
Regina Food for Learning
Regina Food For Learning (RFFL) is a non-profit organization that has served in 33 different locations in the city in response to requests from the community. RFFL is Regina’s largest child feeding program, providing services in Regina schools and neighbourhoods for over 28 years.
Ride to Conquer Cancer
The Ride to Conquer Cancer was created in 2008 as a “mega-event” fundraiser in support of The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto, Ontario. It is an annual charity fundraiser held in various locations across Canada and Australia. It is organized as a non-competitive cycling event that sees thousands of riders travel over 200 kilometres (120 mi) over two days.
Lucky Paws Dog Rescue
Lucky Paws Dog Rescue was founded by Allison Gayle and Tony Vindevoghel. Lucky Paws is a registered non-profit charitable dog rescue. It is based out of Regina, Sask and Moose Jaw, Sask. Lucky Paws is made up of a group of dedicated volunteers with the main focus of rescuing as many dogs & puppies as they can, who come from horrible situations and give them a new lease on life! The rescue does not breed discriminate! The rescue does not receive any type of funding or grants from the City of Moose Jaw, the City of Regina, the Province of Saskatchewan or the Federal Government of Canada. Funding comes from fundraising events, adoptions, and charitable donations from dedicated dog lovers.
Terry Fox Foundation
For over 30 years The Terry Fox Foundation has worked to achieve Terry’s vision – a world without cancer. Their researchers, staff and thousands of volunteers are determined to reach that goal. They strive daily to uphold Terry’s ideals and values in everything they do – and they always will.
Every year Terry Fox Runs are held in over 9000 communities across Canada to raise funds for cancer research. The foundation works directly with The Terry Fox Research Institute striving for the best outcomes for cancer patients.
Lions Club International
Lions serve. It’s that simple, and it has been since they first began in 1917. Their clubs are places where individuals join together to give their valuable time and effort to improving their communities, and the world.
Their mission is to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.
simpli dental is proud to support local Lions Clubs in Saskatchewan.
Colon Cancer Foundation
The Colon Cancer Foundation is a public charity dedicated to reducing colorectal cancer incidence and death. Their mission is to lead the fight against colorectal cancer (CRC) by supporting research that will lead to the prevention of, therapy for, and eradication of CRC in our lifetime, educating the public and the healthcare community about CRC and the most effective strategies for preventing the disease and advocating for equal access to quality of life-affirming, fertility-preserving treatment for all patients and caregivers.
HeadsUpGuys’ mission is to support men in their recovery from depression, reduce their risk of suicide, and inspire them to live healthier lives.
What started as a simple survey in the waiting room of a doctor’s office, became the catalyst for creating HeadsUpGuys. Men indicated they were having suicidal thoughts on the survey, yet failed to mention these thoughts to the doctor they were about to see.
This led the HeadsUpGuys founders to create an online, anonymous resource specifically designed for men, and their families, to prevent the continued erosion of men’s mental health and deaths by suicide.
Plush Bear Program
Through local sponsors, the Plush Bear Program provides hospitalized children with a teddy bear to comfort them in an ambulance or hospital. The Plush Bear Program has been able to provide over 20,000 bears to sick or injured
MADD Canada
MADD Canada’s mission is to stop impaired driving and to support victims. MADD Canada operates public awareness and education programs which focus on preventing impaired driving.
The John Howard Society of Saskatchewan
The John Howard Society of Saskatchewan (JHSS) is a well-established non-profit provincial organization that provides effective, just, and humane services in response to the causes and consequences of crime, and assists individuals who are at risk or are involved in the criminal justice process. The John Howard Society of Saskatchewan provides prevention, intervention, support services, and advocacy for these individuals.
Lulu’s Lodge
Lulu’s Lodge is a supportive transitional home for LGBTQ2S+ youth aged 16-21 facing homelessness. The program provides guidance and support to our LGBTQ2S+ youth around education, physical health, mental wellness, family reunification, legal matters, and advocacy.
Ranch Ehrlo Society
Simpli Dental donated several LifeVacs, an anti-choking device to Ranch Ehrlo day care and youth-education centres. To ensure children in various facilities are as safe as possible, LifeVacs are readily available in the event of a choking emergency.
Haven Family Connections
Simpli Dental has supported Haven Family Connections through their Operation Santa Clause initiative. The campaign works through the reach of existing community organizations, connecting relatives who are facing adversity with contributions during the holiday season to address food insecurity, provide key supplies, and bring warmth.